평범함 속에서 비범한 가치 추구.
작은 차이가 명품을 만든다는 것은 누구나 알지만, 그런 결과물을 누구나 쉽게 만들어 낼 수는 없습니다.
2002년 창업부터 지금까지, 세계 최고 수준의 품질과 혁신을 통하여 고객을 감동 시킬 수 있는 제품을 개발, 생산하고 있습니다.
Making the ordinary extraordinary.
Small things make a big different masterpiece.
Everyone knows it, but it’s not easy to achieve it.
Since the establishment in 2002,
LOOP has been developing and producing it with the strong commitment on the part of the company’s mission to make sure we provide the best to our customers in the field.
Loop is a leading company in tachograph technology.
Loop Co., Ltd. is a company that always researches to become the best company in the field of vehicle operation records. Tachographs are a field that needs to be able to flexibly cope with technological diversity, as all countries have different standards. Recently, we have been supplying various innovative products to the market as we have completed the development of high-tech European and Russian tachographs.
CEO Sunwook Kim
Russian Tachograph produced by Loop Co., Ltd. supports the encryption technology of EU CR(EEC)3821/85, Annex1B. Mutual authentication between the smart card and the tachograph is performed using RSA asymmetric encryption and Triple DES.
These encryption technologies ensure the security, integrity, and authentication of data in the smart card and tachograph.
Sensing and control technologies
We have the measurement and control technology accumulated for a long time in the field of vehicle emission control. Aftertreatment technologies of burner control while driving have been proved for year in Korea.
Fleet Management Solution
Data reception is implemented in Node.js and is operated auto-scale on the AWS Cloud.
Data is perfectly stored by MongoDB Atlas Cloud triple replication system (Scale-out Sharding).
The authentication system is fully protected by Google's Firebase Authentication.
Websites use Vue.js to enable fast screen switching (SPA) and responsive website implementation.
As the demand for drones increases, the threat to major national facilities by drones is increasing at the same time.
In line with the demand to protect major facilities such as airports and electricity, we have invested in the development of drone radar for civil use since 2019. Up to now, we have secured the X-band antenna design technology, and we are striving to secure radar signal processing and detection technology.
About LOOP
Data Encryption
Our History
05. 차량 SCR 제어장치 개발완료 및 납품
06. 드론탐지레이다 조달청 혁신시제품 등록
12. 드론탐지레이다 제주공항 시범설치
12. 드론탐지레이다 변전소 납품
Sept. Active DPF Controller
Aug. Korean tachograph LDT-100BS
Jun. Russian tachograph
Aug. Active DPF controller for China
Apr. Ultrasonic flowmeter for custody transfer
May. SCR controller for DeNOx
Sept. GPS tracker for Philippine
Aug. Established LOOPSYSTEM in Seoul
Apr. Moved to Anyang
Jan. Established R&D center
Apr. Get ISO9001
Nov. Passive DPF controller
Oct. Safe school bus solution
Nov. Fleet management solution for Malaysia's official vehicle
May. Korean tachograph LDT-300BS
Dec. Project of idle-stop for city bus with Gyeonggi Province
Oct. 2nd Project of idle-stop for city bus with Gyeonggi Province
Apr. Change company name to LOOP
Oct. Project of idle-stop for bus with Seoul City
May. Project of idle-stop for bus with Ministry of Environment