Surveillance solution
Threatening or unsafe use of unauthorized UAVs
"Saudi Aramco oil facility attacked; What makes drone attacks so dangerous"
Drones are much-sought after by terror groups because they provide them the capability to carry out airstrikes, besides being smaller and cheaper in comparison to conventional weapons.
The drone attacks have crippled Saudi Arabia's oil facilities and its immediate fallout was seen in the form of a global surge in crude oil prices. Saudi Arabia is the world's leading oil exporter.
In the last few decades, drone technology has become incredibly popular and its rapid proliferation among combatant groups isn't surprising. The primary reason for this proliferation is that drones are relatively cheaper in comparison to conventional weapons and yet can achieve far more destructive results.
Integrated Anti-Drone System
드론레이다(LR500) 특징
1대의 레이더로 360˚ 전방위 탐지
소형드론(RCS: 0.01㎡) 3km탐지 거리
(DJI社 Phantom기준)
탐지체 식별 : 드론 / 새 / 차량 / 사람 판별
군집 드론 개별 탐지 (거리 해상도 5m)
사용주파수 8.5~8.6GHz X-band 레이더
탐지 드론 위협 수준 계산 및 경보
탐지 및 운용 이력 관리
안티드론 관련 제품 인터페이스 호환
- EO/IR 카메라, RF 스캐너 등
Radar LR500 Specification
Azimuth coverage
Elevation coverage
Azimuth measurement accuracy
Max. detection range
Min. detection range
Min. radial speed of a target
Max. radial speed of a target
Radial speed measurement accuracy
Time for updating
Input power
Peak power
Operating temperature
360 deg
55 deg
4 deg
3.0 km (RCS:0.01SQM)
15 m (RCS: 0.01SQM)
0.8 m/s
40 m/s
0.6 m/s
Less than 2.5 sec
24 kg
220 VAC
200 W
-32 to +55
Scan-Jammer (YellowBird-2) Specification
Operational freq. band in UAV detection
Operational freq. band in the blocking of UAV
Max. detection range
Max. blocking range
Input power
Max power consumption
Operating temperature
433 (430 - 450) MHz
868 (860-873) MHz
2400 (2280-2600) MHz
5800 (5725-5875) MHz
433 (430 - 45) MHz
868 (860-873) MHz
2400 (2400-2483) MHz
5800 (5725-5875) MHz
1500 m
1000 m
220 VAC
2000 W
-20 to +45